
Privacy Policy

General This website, which is managed at the address gmtonline.co.il (hereinafter: ‘the site’ or ‘the website’), is operated and managed by GMT Tech Innovation Ltd. (hereinafter: ‘GMT’ or ‘the company’).The purpose…

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Compliance Conference 2018

As a company that provides financial services, and work closely with international n companies, one of our most important mission is to meet the highest compliance clause, those of the…

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Agents trip to Batumi 2017

Agents trip to Batumi 2017 Here, at GMT, we believe that competition is healthy and important. For many years, together with MONEY GRAM, we hold a summer contest for all…

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Too good to be true?

Too good to be true? This PSAs by ScanAwareness.org will make sure you’ll be able to avoid being a victim of a scam.   IRS Scam A call from a…

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