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New Year Celebration COVID-19 style

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New Year Celebration COVID-19 style

We may be starting to feel the end, but let’s face it, we will not be celebrating New Year’s Eve in a multi-participant party as we are used to. So how do we still keep the New Year traditions?

Here are some tips for celebrating a particularly happy New Year during the lockdown:

  1. Celebrating New Year on Zoom / in small groups – with colleagues, fitness group or family members. Think, you’ll agree, that we’ve already got used to virtual meetings in different areas of our life. This is especially relevant now, when the family is staying abroad, and it is impossible to invite even friends to celebrate the New Year together. The only way is gathering in a small circle and celebrate online with relatives abroad.
  2. Gifts? Online only. When there is no opportunity for family members from Russia, Ukraine or other former USSR countries to visit Israel, you can still delight them with a pleasant gift that you may just send. For example, we at GMT have now money transfers with no commission for those who transfer up to 200 dollars or euros to the mentioned countries.
  3. Set a dress code. It’s quite clear to you that it is obligatory to dress smartly for the New Year party, but if you happen to invite neighbors to your limited New Year celebration, and this tradition is new to them, you should set a dress code. Corona virus has pretty much eliminated most of the reasons to dress festively for us, so you’d like to make sure everybody looks especially good that night. So, please, dress accordingly!
  4. Dance, dance, dance! It’s true, that dancing is not really a New Year tradition. But, hey, as you have a chance to celebrate, shouldn’t you take advantage of it? Set the perfect celebration playlist and use this night for a happy dance session! Remember you don’t have to drive back anywhere?
  1. DIY cocktail kit. It’s true that champagne and other warm up beverages is a New Year tradition. But in this period when all bars are closed, you have the opportunity to be a bartender yourself, and there are lots of DIY cocktail kits to help you with that. It’s time to order one and pamper yourself with a good homemade cocktail combined with the traditional greetings and atmosphere.

And don’t let restrictions spoil your New Year mood! Happy New Year!

Pic by Thai Subsea Services Ltd from

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