Welcome to our site!

GMT Tech Innovation Ltd. (‘the company’ or ‘GMT’) is a private company that operates in the field of financial services and specializes, inter alia, in transferring money abroad, foreign currency conversions, reloading of cards, etc.

The company holds a financial asset service provider license (extended), numbered 57479, and a credit granting license (extended), numbered 6117. Additionally, the company adheres to the information security standard ISO 27001, as well as the privacy standard ISO 27701.

The use of the site and/or the company’s services is subject to these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: ‘the Terms and Conditions’), whether you use the company’s services through the site and/or by any other means that the company will put at your disposal (including an application and/or service providers acting on its behalf, as defined below). The company has the right to update these Terms and Conditions from time to time.

Browsing the company’s site and/or use of its services, by any means, may involve the delivery of information to the company and/or the collection of information about the user (including personal information), including information that is collected by third parties for the company, and what is stated in these Terms and Conditions also applies to that information. The information that will be saved in the company’s databases will be subject to the Privacy Policy that can be seen at the address https://gmtonline.co.il/. The Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy jointly constitute the legal basis relating to your use of the site and/or the company’s services.

The Terms and Conditions apply in addition to every additional term and/or condition that will be published on the site or in another transaction document, and the use of certain parts of the site may be subject to additional rules that will appear in those parts.

Browsing the site and/or use of the company’s services will be regarded as express and conscious consent on your part to all the terms, stipulations and notices included in the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to all or some of the terms of the Privacy Policy and/or the Terms and Conditions, do not use the site and/or the company’s services.

The Terms and Conditions were written in the masculine form for the sake of convenience, but they refer to men and women equally.

  1. Definitions
    1. ‘You’ or ‘user’ – any person who browses the site with a computer and/or another terminal device, for any purpose whatsoever, including a customer (‘the company’s services’ and ‘customer,’ as defined below).
    2. ‘The website’ or ‘the site’ – the website of JMT Tech Innovation, which is managed at the address https://gmtonline.co.il/ (or any other address from time to time), which allows a user, inter alia, to perform operations according to the company’s services, including an ‘app’ that allows the performance of those operations.
    3. ‘Content’ – any information of any kind or type, including any verbal, visual, audio or audiovisual content or any combination thereof, or their design or processing or display in any manner, including any picture, illustration, animation, photocopy, diagram, model, image, simulation, video clip, audio file, music file, software, computer code, application, transcript, article, database, interface and any character, mark, symbol and icon that appears and is included on the site by the company, all of which whether they are owned by the company or are owned by a third party that grants the company a right to use them.
    4. ‘Information’ – any information that will be delivered to the company on the site and/or by any other means, including personal information.
    5. ‘Personal information,’ ‘anonymous information’ – as they are defined in the company’s privacy policy, which can be seen at the address https://gmtonline.co.il/wp-content/uploads/terms/privacy-he.pdf.
    6. ‘The services’ or ‘the company’s services’ – all the services that are provided to the customer through the company and/or its service providers, including money transfers, foreign currency conversions, the sale and reloading of credit cards, credit in installments, etc.
    7. ‘Customer’ – any person who uses the company’s services in any way, including the website and/or frontally through the company’s service providers.
    8. ‘Service provider’ – authorized representatives of the company, who are deployed throughout Israel and are authorized by the company and received all the approvals required to act on its behalf, including service providers that hold a license under the Control of Financial Services (Regulated Financial Services) Law, 5776-2016, and/or valid approval to continue to operate that was granted by the Capital Market Authority.
    9. ‘Business day’ – a business day of the company for the purpose of payment services that are performed for the company’s customers is any day, except Saturday, national holidays, two days of Rosh Hashana, the day preceding Yom Kippur and Yom Kippur, the first day of Succot and Shemini Atzeret, Purim, the first and seventh days of Passover, Independence Day, the festival of Shavuot and the 9th of Av, or any other day that will be determined by the Commissioner of Banks at the Bank of Israel or that will be determined according to any law as a date that is not a business day as aforesaid.
    10. ‘Foreign currency business day’ – a foreign currency business day is a day on which the Bank of Israel publishes new representative rates of the deposit currency, and in the absence of any such publication, the most recent rate accepted at the Bank of Israel will apply.
    11. ‘Essential component,’ in a means of payment – a component in the means of payment that is unique to the payer, including the authentication object or detail that is used as a part of the means of payment, or a combination of such components, which the person with access to the component or the combination of components as aforesaid can provide by way of a payment instruction, provided that the component or the combination of components was stated in the payment services contract between the provider of the payment services to the payer and the payer.
    12. ‘Payment account’ – the user’s account that is opened by the company for the intended user, inter alia, for performing payment operations.
    13. ‘Payment operation’ – a transfer of money from a payer to a beneficiary.
    14. ‘Abuse’ of a means of payment – use of a means of payment or an essential component of it by someone who is not entitled to do so according to the payment services contract.
  2. The company’s hours of operation
    1. The company will provide its services through its service providers on various business days and at the company’s headquarters on business days from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. On Fridays, days preceding religious holidays and any other day that is not a business day, the company will provide its services at the company’s headquarters from 8:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. (hereinafter: ‘the hours of operation’). It is clarified that the days of operation for the purpose of performing the operations will be according to the business days on which the company’s headquarters operate, and for operations in foreign currency, according to foreign currency business days and the hours of operation of the headquarters as stated above.
    2. The company may update the hours of operation, according to different services and according to different ways of communication, different service types or channels. The hours of operation will be published on the company’s website and will be updated from time to time at the company’s discretion.
    3. Notwithstanding the aforesaid and subject to every law, the company may determine, from time to time, what will be the business days that will apply for various services, dates and times of opening and closing for the purchase or sale or the making of transactions in foreign currency, in shekels, in currency-linked shekels and credit, on certain days only or during limited and specific hours only during any business day, all of which for any day or days or periods and times.
    4. Payment instructions (as they are defined in the Payment Services Law, 5779-2019) or an instruction to perform an operation that will be received after the time of ending the business day, whichever is the earlier, will be regarded as if were received on the next business day.
  3. Right of use of the site
    1. Subject to your compliance with the Terms and Conditions, the company is hereby granting you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-assignable license, which does not allow the granting of sublicenses, is non-marketable and may be canceled, to make use of the site (including any content or service offered thereon) for your personal and private use only, and not for any commercial use of any kind whatsoever, and for lawful purposes only. You are prohibited from making use of the site or any part thereof for any unlawful purpose.
    2. By using the site or any part thereof, you declare and undertake that you will not perform on the site and/or any part thereof any of the following operations (whether personally or through anyone acting on your behalf): (a) using the site for any unlawful purpose and/or contrary to the Terms and Conditions or to misuse the site or any part thereof; (b) copying, reproducing, reverse engineering or creating derivatives, changing or translating the site (including any content or service that is offered on it); (c) circumventing technical barriers on the site, concealing notices regarding the protection of the intellectual property rights of the company (and/or anyone acting on its behalf) on the site; (d) performing an operation of any kind whatsoever that will or may disrupt the proper functioning of the site and/or prevent access to content and/or services by other users of the site; (e) no computer application or any other device should be operated or allowed to be operated, including software of the type of crawlers, robots, etc., for the purpose of searching, scanning, copying or automatic retrieval of content from the site, and inter alia, no database should be created by downloading and/or storing content from the site; (f) implanting or inserting into the site any virus, worm, Trojan horse, bug, code, application or software that may be intended or is intended to damage the operation of the site; (g) breaching any of the Terms and Conditions.
    3. For the convenience of the users of the site, the site may offer links or referrals to websites of a third party. If you use these links or referrals, you will leave the site. The company does not undertake that these links and/or referrals will lead to active sites, has not examined all of these third-party sites, does not have control over them and is not responsible for these sites or their content. Therefore, the company does not make or give any representation about them or any information, services or content on them, or regarding any result that may arise from the use of them, including the services offered by them. The decision to go to any third-party site that is linked to the site is your responsibility only. When you go to the links, you should examine the terms and conditions and the other terms and instructions on the linked site and act according to what is stated in them.
  4. Intellectual property rights
    1. The company is the sole owner of the site, its content, formatting, design, file structure, logo and the trademarks that appear on it.
    2. The design and display on the site, including the content contained on it, are protected and/or may be protected by copyright and/or trademarks, patents or other intellectual property rights of the company and/or third parties, and you are prohibited from copying all or some of them or reproducing, distributing, selling, allowing use, displaying publicly, creating derivatives, making, publishing or using the site or any part of it for any commercial purpose. In addition, you may not create frames for the site or use metatags or any other hidden text with the company’s name or trademarks and/or those of anyone acting on its behalf. Any unauthorized use will result, inter alia, in the cancellation of the Terms and Conditions and the termination of your right to use the site.
    3. For the avoidance of doubt, except for the right of use granted to you under the Terms and Conditions, the company does not grant you any right in the site and/or a part thereof, including the intellectual property of the company or third parties.
  5. Use of the company’s services
    1. The use of the services offered by the company will be according to the law and will be made in good faith and an acceptable manner. They shall not be misused or used in any way contrary to the law or public policy, nor shall they be used unreasonably or for purposes other than those for which the service is intended, including the making of illegal or prohibited money transfers or transfers to circumvent the restrictions relating to reports in connection with the prohibition of money laundering and terror financing or impersonating any person or other legal entity. Without derogating from the company’s rights, anyone who violates such a prohibition shall indemnify the company for any damage that will be caused to it as a result.
    2. The source of the money used to perform the services is legitimate, legal and unrelated to any offense against the laws of the State of Israel and/or any other country. The responsibility for the nature of the action rests with the user only and he is obligated to check its significance and the provisions of the law relating to it before making the transaction.
    3. The company and its operations are subject to various provisions of law according to which it is obligated to prevent embezzlement and according to the provisions of international law that govern it under agreements with third parties. The cases described below may indicate fraud and raise a concern about the genuineness of the transaction. You are therefore requested to refrain from making transactions in similar circumstances:
      1. If a party whom you do not know and/or whose identity you cannot authenticate is involved in the transaction;
      2. If you were requested by a third party, who is unknown or unrecognized, to provide partial or complete details about your operations;
      3. If you are offered services and/or products at significantly lower prices than the usual market prices;
      4. If you have been offered benefits and/or promotions and/or participation in lotteries and/or you have been notified of winning by a party that is unfamiliar to you;

        The list of cases stated above is partial and non-exhaustive, based on the company’s experience. The company and anyone acting on its behalf will not bear any responsibility if you choose to ignore the above warnings and make transactions despite the concern arising from them.
    4. Without derogating from the aforesaid, the services may not be used for the making of transactions or payment for the following services/products:
      1. Transactions in virtual or cryptocurrencies.
      2. Loan or credit transactions or the provision of financial services of any kind, cashing money for smaller denominations or the conversion of money as a business.
      3. Adult content and services.
      4. Gambling.
      5. Drugs.
      6. Trading in diamonds.
      7. Trading in weapons.
      8. Transactions in securities, binary options and Forex.
      9. Paid sex services and human trafficking.
      10. Any activity prohibited by law, including money laundering, terror financing and any activity that requires licenses or permits, insofar as the relevant parties do not have all the required licenses and permits or they are not valid.
    5. In any case of use contrary to what is stated in section 5.2 above or contrary to what is stated in the other provisions of the Terms and Conditions, including in a case where the user’s activity has been blocked or restricted, or in a case where one or more of the payment methods registered in the user’s personal account is not valid, blocked or restricted for use in any way, the company will not be liable in any way to any user or third party or for any direct or indirect damage caused to them in connection therewith. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that the company will not allow the making or completion of transactions and payment for services as stated in this section (including in a case of a suspicion of the company in connection therewith) and/or any use of the money, including a withdrawal or transfer in any way of money originating from such transactions and services.
    6. The company may contact any user at any time in order to clarify any detail relating to the uses of the service. In any such case, the user undertakes to cooperate and provide the company with the required information.
    7. The company may restrict and/or change and/or cancel and/or block the provision of services or part thereof from time to time at its sole discretion (including limiting the amount of transactions, making changes to the list of target countries, etc.). Without derogating from the aforesaid, it is clarified that since the operations performed by the company are subject to the provisions of Israeli and international law, and orders and directives enacted thereunder that relate, inter alia, to provisions regarding the prohibition and prevention of money laundering and terrorism and provisions regarding the taxation of the operations carried out by the company, there may therefore be situations in which operations will not be made and/or will be changed and/or reported to the relevant parties according to statute even before they are made.
    8. The company may refuse the company’s services to a customer or make the use of the services conditional, whether in general or for certain users, on the use of certain means of identification, or for a particular transaction. The company may also block the customer’s activity on the site or anywhere else until general information relating to the customer or a particular transaction is completed.
    9. Some of the services cannot be canceled, including in a case where the cancellation request originates from an error such as providing incorrect details, a clerical error of the user or the company, etc. The user declares that before approving the operation, he reviewed all the details required for the provision of the services, and the company will not be liable for errors resulting from inaccuracies and/or errors in the provision of the details requested by the user.
    10. The date of performing the transactions will be within two business days following the business day on which the instruction was given by the customer, and for foreign currency transactions, two foreign currency business days after the foreign currency business day on which the instruction was given by the customer.
    11. Money that is not collected and/or demanded within six months of the date of sending it will be frozen and released by the company’s Compliance Department, only when the department has received from the user all the explanations requested by it and is satisfied that the explanation is adequate. It should be clarified that the Compliance Department reserves the right to receive supporting documents insofar as they are needed.
    12. Without derogating from section 5.11, the company will be entitled to add a custodial fee for money that is not collected, as will be determined from time to time.
    13. Some of the services are provided through the systems of MoneyGram International Ltd. (hereinafter ‘MG’). The user is aware that the performance of the operations through the company will be subject, inter alia, to MG’s rules and its terms and conditions, including its instructions regarding privacy protection, which can be found at the link: https://start.moneygram.com/. In any case of a conflict between these Terms and Conditions and MG’s terms and conditions, it is clarified that the stricter provisions will prevail.
  6. Taxes and reports
    1. The user is responsible for every tax payment resulting from any payment or transaction made or received through the company, and for any report required by law in connection with the transaction, and the company is not responsible for any of the aforesaid.
    2. The user is aware and agrees in advance that, subject to the law, the company will be entitled to give various details and reports about his operations to the authorities in Israel and abroad (including the tax authority), insofar as the company will be required to do so.
    3. The user is aware that the company is entitled to delay or cancel the performance of a transaction because of a failure to provide details about the payment of taxes that are relevant to the operation.
    4. The user is aware that the company is a financial institution for VAT purposes.
  7. Commissions and additional payments
    1. The company will charge payments and/or commissions for the use of the service, at the rates and on the dates stipulated in the company’s price list stated on the website, which may be updated from time to time at the company’s discretion, subject to the law.
    2. Before making the transaction, the user should check all the costs and commissions involved in it, and the alternative market costs for performing the transaction, and the user will have no claim against the company in this regard.
    3. If the payment will be made on a later date than the date of the making the transaction, there may be changes in the transaction price because of a change in the exchange rate, and the user will make the payment according to the current rate.
    4. Should the company discover that there was an error in the calculation of the exchange rate and/or the amount of the commission paid to the company, at its sole discretion, the company will notify the customer of the error (hereinafter: ‘the correction notice’) and the customer will be entitled to cancel the transaction at no additional cost or to ratify the transaction on the terms presented to him in the amendment notice. The user declares that he is aware that the services may involve additional payments and/or commissions, which will be charged by third parties that are independent of the company, such as credit card companies, correspondents, etc.
    5. Payment in cash or by bank transfer:
      1. The possibility of paying in cash and/or by bank transfer is only available for some services. The provision of the services requested by the company is conditional on receiving the payment from the customer on the dates determined by the company. You can transfer the payment for the services directly to the company, by bank transfer from an account that uses an Israeli bank only or by paying cash to any of the company’s service providers. The company may charge an additional commission for handling cash, whether in new shekels or foreign currency.
      2. The user will not have any claim against the company if there is a cancellation and/or delay in the provision of the services by the company in any case where the payment to the company was not made by the user on the date defined in advance by the company and/or was delayed in circumstances that do not depend on the company.
    6. It will not be possible to cancel a payment through a bank transfer. Money that will be received in the company’s account by bank transfer for the provision of the services will not be returned to the user.
    7. Payment by credit card:
      1. The user declares that he knows that the approval of the credit card company is a condition for performing the service requested by him and he will have no claim against the company if the transaction is not made because the credit card company refuses to make the transaction.
      2. The user knows that the company may operate mechanisms to prevent and reduce cases of fraud, denial of transactions in bad faith, misuse of credit cards of various types, etc., such as sending text messages to the user to approve credit transactions.
      3. In addition to the service commission that will be charged by the company, you may be charged additional commissions that are charged according to the agreement between you and the credit card company or any other third party with which you entered into an agreement regarding your credit card, and you may also be charged by the credit card company a special commission such as a ‘commission for the purchase of foreign currency from a money changer.’ For the avoidance of doubt, the company has no connection with and/or influence over the commissions charged by these third parties, and they will be paid by the user according to the agreement between him and those third parties.
      4. Payment by credit card in installments:
        1. The user may pay for the services in installments with credit subject to the payment of interest that will be added to the price (hereinafter: ‘installment interest’).
        2. By consenting to the Terms and Conditions, the customer approves the credit terms determined in the Terms and Conditions as supplementary credit terms to the specific terms that apply to the transaction.
        3. Before making the transaction, you will be presented with the details of the installment transaction as required by law, including details about interest, actual cost, default interest rate,  payment schedule, etc. You should confirm the details of the transaction in writing with a frontal signature or in an SMS (hereinafter: ‘the installment transaction’).
        4. The customer knows that the interest on the credit in installments is charged completely separately from the commission rate for the foreign exchange conversion that is determined separately by the agent making the conversion and is not part of the credit cost.
        5. If the Fair Credit Law, 5753-1993 (hereinafter: ‘the Fair Credit Law’) applies, the actual cost of credit in the transaction will not exceed the maximum cost of credit, as defined in the Fair Credit Law, at the time of making the specific transaction and as stated in the details of the transaction. In addition, the default interest rate known at the time of the transaction will not exceed the maximum default interest rate as defined in the Fair Credit Law known at that time and as stated in the transaction document.
        6. The customer hereby declares and undertakes that he will not directly or indirectly cause the cancellation of the credit card that is the subject of the transaction and will not cancel the transaction, in whole or in part, as long as it has not been repaid in full.
        7. For the avoidance of doubt, failure to pay any of the installments with the credit card that the customer undertook will constitute a fundamental breach of the agreement between you and the company, which will take all the steps available to it in the event of a breach of the agreement by you.
        8. Actual payment on the day stipulated for making the payment will be regarded as actual payment.
        9. A payment that is not made on time will be subject to the payment of default interest at the rate determined in the transaction in the calculation from the date for making the payment until the actual repayment (hereinafter: ‘default interest’) plus collection expenses including legal expenses and attorney’s fees, insofar as they are payable (hereinafter: ‘the collection expenses’). Moreover, the customer undertakes to pay the unpaid amount within 3 business days of the date of the first demand.
        10. The customer may make early payment of all or some of the payments, by giving at least 3 business days’ notice. In such a case, the company will refund to the customer the amount of credit interest that was charged in advance less an early repayment fee, as determined at the time of making the transaction. If the customer wishes to make early payments by giving less than 3 business days’ notice, the company will be entitled to make the early payment in return for the charging of an additional commission for not giving notice as determined at the time of making the installment transaction.
        11. The customer undertakes, within 21 days of a first demand, to pay the company by direct deposit into the company’s bank account or by cash payment to of the company’s agents, the amount stipulated in each of the installments, even if the payment time has not yet arrived (together with the default interest, linkage differentials and collection expenses), if one of the following events occurs: one of the payments was not made despite the company’s demand; it transpires that the representations of the customer and/or anyone acting on his behalf in this agreement or the transaction documents, in whole or in part, are incorrect; the risk of not making the payments has increased significantly, there has been another fundamental breach of this agreement or other conditions requiring the immediate performance of such an action relating to the paying the remainder of the payments have been fulfilled; if a receiver and/or a manager and/or a liquidator and/or a temporary liquidator or trustee or any other official appointment was made for the customer and/or any of its shareholders or their property or a part thereof, or a motion to appoint one of the aforesaid was filed and the motion was not removed within 14 days, or a motion for liquidation or a stay of proceedings or bankruptcy was filed or a receivership order or liquidation order or a bankruptcy declaration was made against any of the aforesaid; if a lien is imposed on the customer’s assets, and the lien is not removed within 21 days of the date of its imposition, or if owners of charges on the customer’s assets or a material part of the customer’s assets will realize the charges, or if an enforcement operation will be carried out against all of the customer’s assets or a material part of the customer’s assets, and the operation will not be canceled within 21 days of the date of its implementation; if there will be a reasonable concern, in the company’s opinion, that such an event or circumstances stated above are likely to occur, whether the occurrence of the event or the creation of the circumstances stated above depend on the customer or not, including absence from work and/or leaving the country for a period exceeding 14 days.
        12. The company will be entitled to sell and/or transfer and/or convert and/or assign and/or deduct and/or securitize the payments, in whole or in part, to any party, on such conditions as it thinks fit, and the customer gives his prior consent thereto. The customer may not assign and/or transfer his obligations and/or rights under these Terms and Conditions, unless the lender gives prior written consent thereto.
      5. Payment by way of a loan:
        In a case where the customer chooses to receive a loan to make the payment, and after the application is examined and approved by the company, the customer will sign a specific loan agreement that includes proper disclosure according to the provisions of the law.
  8. Terms and conditions for various types of services

    Without derogating from what is stated in the General Terms and Conditions, the use of the company’s services is subject, inter alia, to the terms and conditions stated in Annex A of these Terms and Conditions (which follows on from the end of this document). By accepting the Terms and Conditions, you also accept the terms and conditions for those services.
  9. Liability
    1. The site, the services and the content appearing thereon are provided for use ‘as is’ or ‘as available,’ without any undertaking or representation of the company regarding their suitability for the user’s needs, for a specific purpose, that the content is up-to-date and/or correct and/or does not infringe copyright. The use of the site and the offered services is the sole liability of the user and he is aware that he is not obligated to use these services. The company will have no liability to the users and third parties for any transaction in which the company’s services are used, including regarding the purposes of the transaction.
    2. The company does not undertake that the site or any of its parts will operate continuously and properly and that access to it will be available and/or without malfunctions and/or will not be interrupted (including as a result of regular maintenance of the site or for dealing with malfunctions). Therefore, no claim will be heard regarding an inability to perform operations on the site on time (such as a delay in the making of a transfer or the performance of any other operation that has a deadline) because of a malfunction in the site, and you release the company from any claim and/or complaint and/or demand that you may have in connection with the aforesaid.
    3. The company is not responsible in any way for any corruption of user information provided on the site and/or for a request on the site not being accepted, a request not receiving a response, any delay in the response to a request and/or the site not receiving sufficient information. We will make every effort to respond to your request to us as soon as possible.
    4. You should not rely on the content and/or services and/or any advice, recommendation or opinion received through the site (if and to the extent received) for the purpose of making any decisions, including on economic, professional, commercial, personal, financial and other matters.
    5. Without derogating from the aforesaid, in no case will the company (including its employees, managers, and anyone acting on its behalf) be liable for any damages (including, but not only, direct, indirect or consequential damages, and including damages resulting from loss of profits, loss of data or a disruption to the course of business, damage to reputation, etc., in connection with and/or as a result of using the company’s services, an inability to use the services or the results of the use of the services (including any of the content and/or services offered on it), and/or the use or inability to use any other site linked to the site or the content contained on the site and any of the sites linked to the site (including reliance on such content) and/or as a result of exposure to computer problems (including viruses) and/or as a result of damage to intellectual property rights of any kind whatsoever (whether registered or not), all of which even if the company already received information about the possibility of such damage occurring, irrespective of the cause of action or the cause of the damage, whether contractual, tortious or otherwise.
    6. The company will have a right of offset and lien over all the money that is or will be payable to the user, which will be held by the company from time to time, and it will be entitled to offset against any amount payable to the user any debt or undertaking of his to the company as a result of the use of the services, and the company will also be entitled to delay the performance of any transfer of money to the user until all his obligations to it are fulfilled as aforesaid, including in a case where the date of their performance has not yet arrived. It should be clarified that registration of the offset or deduction in the account in the personal area will be considered an offset notice according to law, so that no further notice on the matter will be required, and that the user will not have a right of lien or offset against the company.
  10. Customer service and making contact
    1. You are invited to contact the company through the support link at the site, at the email address [email protected] or by telephone no. 03-3722800 on any question relating to the service.
    2. If you have any complaints about any service you received from the company, you can contact the person in charge of handling public complaints at the company, whose name is Shir Tamuz. You can contact the supervisor using the following means of communication: by phone at 03-3722800 extension 734; by email at [email protected]; or by mail at Raul Wallenberg 18, Building C, 1st floor, Tel Aviv.
    3. Please note that telephone calls with customer service may be recorded, saved in the database of the company or someone acting on its behalf and used for documentation, clarification, improvement of the service, control and risk management.
  11. Miscellaneous
    1. The site and the company’s services are intended for use by an adult (over the age of 18) in the sovereign territory of the State of Israel, and are not intended for minors. If you are a minor (under the age of 18), your use of the site will constitute evidence that you have received permission from your parents or a legal guardian appointed for you to make such use.
    2. The Terms and Conditions are subject to Israeli law only. The competent court in the Tel Aviv District will have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any disagreement and/or dispute regarding this agreement, its enforcement and interpretation, and no other court will have jurisdiction.
    3. You should visit the site from time to time to check the updated Terms and Conditions, since they are binding from the date of the update onward (the date of the last update appears at the beginning of the Terms and Conditions). Special legal notices and/or conditions found on certain pages of the site may override certain stipulations contained in the Terms and Conditions.
    4. A waiver of rights in any case where the company does not exercise one or more of its rights under this agreement will not be regarded as a waiver or acquiescence on the part of the company and shall not constitute any preclusion against it.
    5. The company’s services are renewed from time to time and as long as the user has not given the company notice of cancellation of the service, this will be considered as consent to the continued provision of the service and the existence of the contract. Moreover, as long as the user makes use of the company’s services and pays with one of the means of payment that the company supplies, this will also be regarded as consent to the continued existence of the contract.
    6. If it is determined that any part of the Terms and Conditions is invalid or unenforceable under the law, including, but without any limitation, the limitation of liability clauses stated above, then the sections that are invalid or unenforceable will be deemed to have been replaced by valid and enforceable sections whose content most closely matches the intent of the original sections, whereas the other sections of the Terms and Conditions will remain valid.
    7. The company may assign, endorse or transfer its rights or undertakings, in whole or in part, to any third party, but the aforesaid will not prejudice the rights of a user in connection with money held for him, all of which as stated in the Terms and Conditions.
    8. The user may not assign, transfer, endorse or pledge his rights and undertakings or any part thereof, by virtue of these Terms and Conditions or any other agreement, to any third party whatsoever.


Annex A – Terms and Conditions for Various Services

  1. Payment account
    1. Upon joining a service, the company will open a personal account in the user’s name, which will be identified according to the ID no. of the recipient of the service with whom it was registered. The account will be used by the user for accumulating sums of money to his credit. The balance of the account appears on the site under the title ‘My balance’ or any other name that will be determined from time to time.
    2. Each user may open only one personal account.
    3. The opening of an account will only be possible after completing the registration process, the making of identification, authentication and the scanning of documents, as well as the completion of a ‘Know Your Customer’ questionnaire insofar as one is needed, all of which according to the provisions of the law. Until the process is completed, the user will not be able to act in the account.
    4. The opening of the account and the performance of certain operations are conditional on entering user details and identification by receiving a SMS message to the user’s mobile number (OTP). The user is responsible for keeping the means of payment and the essential component of the means of payment completely confidential, separate and in a manner that is inaccessible to others. In any case where there is a concern of theft and/or loss of a part of the essential component or misuse of the account, the customer is required to notify the company immediately and act in accordance with the company’s instructions.
    5. The deposit of money into the payment account may be done, inter alia, in the following ways: cash, credit card, bank transfer or transfer from a payment account of another customer.
    6. In the payment account, the customer will be allowed to perform the operations that will be determined from time to time according to the provisions of the law.
    7. As a rule, the operations will be performed on the basis of the credit balance that exists in the account. If the customer does not have a credit balance in the account, the customer will be allowed to pay the balance required for performing the operation with a debit card, a transfer to the company’s account or the receipt of a loan from the company, according to the terms that will be determined by the company from time to time.
    8. The user is responsible for monitoring all the operations recorded in the payment account continuously and regularly. In cases where the user has objections and/or queries about one or more of the operations or amounts documented in his account, he should contact customer service immediately and without delay, no later than 30 days from the performance of the operation to which he wishes to object, unless another time is determined by law.
    9. The site allows you to view at any time the operations that were performed in the account. The balance in the account will be displayed according to the type of currency available in the account (shekels and/or foreign currency).
    10. Moreover, additional actions will be displayed according to the company’s decision and the provisions of the law. The user knows that in the charge statements of the credit card company, the company may appear as the business receiving the payment, even if the transaction was made with another party. It is also possible that an operation will appear both in the details of transfers on the site and in the reports of the credit card companies.
    11. Liability in a case of misuse of payment services:
      1. If an essential component is misused or lost, the user should give immediate notice thereof to the company. In a case of misuse that will be made after a notice is given on behalf of the user to the company as aforesaid, no liability whatsoever will be imposed on the user.
      2. Before notice is given as aforesaid, the company will be entitled to charge the user for payment operations made before the delivery of the notice or according to the amounts determined by law, whichever is lower, as follows:
        1. A fixed amount of NIS 75, plus NIS 30 for each day that passed between the date on which the user became aware of the loss or misuse until the date of giving the notice. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, if the notice is given within 30 days of the date on which misuse was first made on the site, the amount of the charge will not exceed NIS 450.
        2. The amount of the payment transfers that were actually made.

          The aforesaid amounts change from time to time according to law, and the company is not responsible for updating the user regarding every change, but each change will apply without a need for notice.

        3. Sections 1.10.1 and 1.10.2 will not apply to a payment that was transferred before the giving of a notice by the user in cases where the user transferred the essential component to another person, whether the use was made with his knowledge or not, unless the essential component was made available to the other person in reasonable circumstances for the purpose of safekeeping only or was made available to a beneficiary for the purpose of making a payment order through the beneficiary or the misuse was made after the essential component that was made available to the other person was stolen from that person or lost by him.
    12. Receipts and use of accrued balance:
      1. A user who received a payment to the account will in most cases be credited immediately with the amount that was transferred to his account, unless it is a payment transfer that deviates from the terms of use or requires additional checks or operations according to any law or at the company’s discretion and these terms and conditions.
      2. The operations that the user may carry out with the amount accrued in the account, according to his choice, are as follows:
        1. Withdrawing the accrued amount or a part thereof to a bank account or transferring it to any other account according to the transfers that are permitted by the company from time to time.
        2. Loading his reloadable card with the balance.
        3. Leaving the amount in the account and making payments with it in the future.
      3. If the user chose to withdraw an accrued amount in his personal account to his bank account, the instruction will be carried out according to the transfer dates stated in these terms and conditions.
    13. Keeping the money in the account at the company:
      Without derogating from the aforesaid, the money kept in the user’s     account will be subject to the following provisions:
      1. The funds will be kept in the account for an unlimited time, until the date when the customer wishes to withdraw the money or give any other instructions, according to any law, regarding an operation with the money, which the company will be entitled to perform for the customer. The end of the period of depositing the money will be on the date of the withdrawal of all the money deposited in the deposit account.
      2. Separate account – the money will be held for the customers in a separate account from the account of the company’s current operations.
      3. Entitlement to interest – it is clarified that no interest will be paid to the customer for the money deposited in the account, whether in his account with the company or in any other account. The company may change the terms of the deposit in a notice to the customer after obtaining his consent.
      4. Offset and lien – without derogating from any right of the company under the agreements and/or under any law, the company will have a full right of offset and lien over the money in the account and/or the account and/or the customer’s rights vis-à-vis the company for any undertaking and/or debt of the customer to the company, whether severally or jointly with others, whether the customer’s undertaking or debt was created in the past or will be created in the future, and all the customer’s rights regarding the money in the account and in general will be subject to the company’s right of lien and/or offset.
      5. Transfer, assignment or charge – the money deposited in the account may not be transferred, assigned or charged unless the company gave its prior written consent thereto.
      6. The company may determine and update from time to time the operation thresholds for the transfer and receipt of payments and for a maximum balance in the account.
    14. Use of a business customer
      Additional terms and conditions for a business entity
      1. ‘Business entity’ – a beneficiary or payer who is an individual, a company, a partnership, an association (amuta) or any other legal entity whose economic activity is intended for the running of a business, which uses the company’s services within the framework of any business activity and entered into an agreement with the company directly or indirectly for the receipt or transfer of money through the company’s services.

        The terms and conditions of this chapter apply to any business entity that uses the company’s services, including for receiving payments from other users for services or products provided or supplied by it or for transferring payments to its suppliers, customers or other parties and for any other business or commercial purpose.

        The terms and conditions of this chapter do not derogate from the General Terms and Conditions or what is stated in the Privacy Policy, but they apply to a business entity in addition to all the terms and conditions that appear in the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. In any case of a conflict between what is stated in this chapter and what is stated in the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, for a business entity only, what is stated in this chapter will prevail.
      2. The company will be entitled to demand that any user that is a business entity and uses the company’s services in its business will notify the company of this and that it is registered as a business entity. If there will be changes in the user’s activity such that it ceases to be a business entity or begins to act as a business entity, it should give the company notice of the change immediately.
      3. The company will be entitled to demand additional details from a business entity about its fields of operations, the owners of the rights, its officers that are authorized to act on its behalf, its customers, suppliers and any other additional detail that the company sees fit to request at its discretion and according to the provisions of the law. The company may demand information, documents or any paperwork to authenticate the details that were requested and it will be entitled to demand, from time to time, additional details about the user’s business operations at its discretion.
      4. When using the company’s services, the business entity undertakes that its business use will be reasonable and in good faith, for the purpose of its operations in the ordinary course of its business, and it will refrain from any breach or harm to any other person or user of the site, including harm to the company.
      5. The business entity waives in advance any claim against the company for a transaction that was canceled, not performed or not completed with another user, payer or recipient, where the transfer of the payment for that transaction was delayed because of the company’s demand for the investigation of additional details as aforesaid. It should be emphasized that receipts that were withheld because of this will not bear any interest and the company will not pay any additional payment for them until the end of the investigation and the crediting of the business entity.
      6. The business entity will provide the company with full and correct details and should cooperate with the company in full.
      7. The company may determine that above a certain amount of periodic activity of the business entity or for any other reason that the company will think fit, the use of the company’s services will also be conditional, in addition to all of the above, on the signing of a detailed agreement between the company and the business entity and/or with the clearer of transactions with debit cards.
      8. In cases where the company entered into an agreement with the business entity as aforesaid or determined special contractual terms with it, these will apply in addition to any agreement and in addition to these terms and conditions. If there is a conflict between the Terms and Conditions, on the one hand, and the agreements and the special contractual terms, on the other, the provisions of the agreements and the special contractual terms will prevail.
      9. The company may terminate or limit the operations of the business entity with the company’s services, including limiting the scope, number and amount of the operations at its sole discretion as published from time to time.
      10. Without derogating from the provisions of the company’s Privacy Policy, and for the purpose of minimizing the risks involved in providing service to a business entity (that provides service to its customers), the company will be entitled to use information for statistical processing and various analyses subject to the provisions of any law. Without derogating from the aforesaid, the business entity waives any claim of ownership over information relating to transactions made by paying users with it or that it made with recipient users for which the payment was paid through the company and/or the site, and agrees in advance to any use that will be made according to the provisions of the law and the protections granted to the various users and its customers.
      11. In order to prevent claims regarding transactions that are made with a defective document, the company requires the use of an enhanced authentication item for transactions made through it (which authenticates the identity of the payer with a high degree of certainty, as the comp will determine from time to time (including an additional password, the use of biometric means of identification, two-stage verification, etc.)). In view of this, and according to the provisions of the Payment Services Law, 5779-2019 (hereinafter: ‘the Payment Services Law’), insofar as the business entity will not do so, it will be liable for any amount that will be paid to a paying user because of claims of misuse or fraud, a change of a charge without authorization or a payment operation with a defective document. Moreover, the company may refuse to perform or may suspend the performance of the transaction insofar as the user did not provide the details of the enhanced identification according to the company’s rules.
      12. In cases where a transaction is canceled, the company will be entitled to charge the business entity an amount of money that will constitute liquidated damages for damage that will be caused as a result of the cancellation of the transaction and for additional expenses and costs according to the company’s pricelist, without prejudice to and/or derogating from other remedies available to the company under any law.
      13. The cancellation of a transaction between a business entity and a paying user or a recipient user for which payment was made through the company’s services applies in the sphere of the legal relationship between the parties to the transaction only, according to the terms of the contract between the parties and the law that applies to the cancellation of a transaction relating to the engagement, and the company is not a party to this agreement. The company will not be liable for the cancellation of a transaction of some kind or other and will not be liable for restitution or cancellation of any payment that was made in connection with a transaction that was canceled except according to the provisions of the Payment Services Law. It is hereby clarified that the business entity will indemnify the company for any demand or claim made against it in connection with this matter.
      14. The business entity is solely responsible for the contracts made with it in the field of the relationship between it and its customers in connection with transactions in which the company’s services are used for making payments, including for any service or product that it sold and supplied and for any transaction whatsoever and for the nature, quality, proper functioning, suitability and supply of the service or product. The business entity is responsible for any claim or legal proceeding that will be filed by its customer or any party to a transaction that is made with the business entity in connection therewith.
      15. The business entity may not refuse to refund to a paying user or a recipient user a payment that was made through the company’s services merely because it was paid through the company’s services as aforesaid. Moreover, the business entity may not refuse to exchange a product solely for this reason alone as aforesaid. If a claim will be made by a paying user or a recipient user against the company because of a refusal of such a kind, it is hereby clarified that the company will regard the business entity as solely responsible for this.
      16. The business entity hereby undertakes that the terms in the business sphere between it and its customers or between it and any other third party, for which payments are made through the company’s services, will not contradict these terms and conditions, and in any case of a conflict, the terms and conditions and any other binding document between the company and the business entity will prevail.
      17. The business entity is well aware that transactions for products or services that are made through the company’s services are sales or service transactions that are governed by the laws of the State of Israel and the laws of any other relevant country that relate to a buyer, seller or a business in a specific transaction, including, but not limited to, the Sale Law, 5728-1968, and the Consumer Protection Law, 5741-1981.
      18. The business entity hereby declares that it has a file at the tax authority and reports on its operations according to law, including the operations that are performed through the company’s services.
      19. The business entity is well aware of the obligations under the law relating to the issuance of invoices or receipts and delivering them to its customers for transactions that were made between them. It should be clarified that the responsibility for compliance with these obligations rests solely and completely with the business entity, including all the reports required under any law, including for deducting VAT or withholding tax at source.
      20. The company and any organ acting on its behalf are not liable for any claim, complaint or demand of any kind relating to damage, loss or expense deriving directly or indirectly from disputes that will arise between the business entity and another user or third party in connection with any transaction that used the company’s services, whether the company or its organs were aware of the dispute or not.
      21. It is hereby clarified that the business entity will be liable to indemnify the company for any expense, payment, loss or liability that will be imposed on it or caused to it or organs acting on its behalf in connection with transactions or contracts made by the business entity with any other user through the company’s services, including, inter alia, regarding legal proceedings that will be filed against the company because of such transactions. The company has the right to take any action that it thinks fit and to raise any claim in order to defend itself against any demand, complaint or claim of any third party as aforesaid, including agreeing to any settlement or arrangement and filing a third-party notice against the business entity.
    15. Termination of payment account services
      1. Termination upon the user’s initiative:
        1. A customer may terminate the payment services, at any time, in a notice to the company that will be sent to the company’s customer service. If the user gave notice as aforesaid, the termination date will be as follows:
          (1)        regarding the termination of the services relating to the issuance of a means of payment or the clearing of a payment operation – at the end of the business day following the date of giving the notice;
          (2)        regarding the termination of a payment account management service – five business days after the date on which the customer completed the operations required to close the account as determined in the contract; upon the completion of the disconnection process, any possibility of performing operations on the company’s site will be discontinued and in order to resume use, a new request to the company’s customer service will be required.
        2. Deleting the app and/or the customized website from the smart cellular device does not in itself constitute disconnecting from the service, and deletion of this kind cannot remove information that exists in the company’s databases. It should be emphasized that it is necessary to disconnect from the account before any transfer of the cellular device or the number with which the user registered for the service. For this purpose, you should contact the company’s customer service to transfer the account details to the new cellular number.
      2. The company may terminate the payment services to the customer, at any time, by giving written notice to the customer; the termination date will be at least 45 days after the date of giving the notice or a later date insofar as the company allows this. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, in exceptional circumstances, the company may terminate the payment services contract immediately.
    16. Suspending payment services:
      1. The user may, at any time, ask the company to suspend the use of the payment account, and the company will immediately suspend the use for the period requested by the payer, which will not exceed 14 days, unless the company allows a longer period.
      2. If there is a concern of harm to the security of the means of payment in the account, misuse of the account or fraud, an attempt to commit an omission or an act that may harm the company or another user, use for operations that are not permitted under the company’s policy stated in these terms and conditions, providing incorrect or misleading details, a concern of causing damage to the company and/or the company’s users, and if the payment derives from credit advanced by the company to the user – a real concern that the user will not perform his undertaking to the company to repay the credit, and/or where this is required under the provisions of any law, the company may suspend the use of the account, after the company will give notice thereof to the user and state the reasons for the suspension of the account, unless the company believes that the giving of the notice or stating the reasons as aforesaid, as applicable, may frustrate the purpose for which the suspension is needed, including if they are prohibited by law or if there is a reasonable concern that the customer is committing fraud, provided that the notice or details of the reasons as aforesaid will be given as soon as possible thereafter.
  2. Money transfers
    1. The user (hereinafter: ‘the transferee’) will bear full responsibility for entering correct and accurate details and will ensure that the recipient to whom he chose to make the transfer is the correct recipient (hereinafter: ‘the recipient’ and/or ‘the beneficiary’). In the event of an error in entering the beneficiary’s details or the details of the transferring user, the company will have no responsibility, including for canceling the transfer and returning the money.
    2. Upon the completion of the performance of the transfer instruction (hereinafter, for the purpose of this section: ‘transaction’ and/or ‘transfer request’), you will be presented with a transaction summary that shows the details of the transfer requested by you, including the amount of the receipt that the beneficiary is expected to receive and a secret code (hereinafter: ‘the secret code’).
    3. The user should note that the amount of the receipt that will be presented to him may only be an approximate amount that may change because of various factors such as conversion rates in the destination country, correspondents’ commission, a commission charged by third parties in the relationship between them and the transferee, etc. The company will make a money transfer in the amount that it undertook in the transaction summary, but it will not be liable for a change in the amount that will be received in practice by the recipient because of factors that are not within its control, as stated above.
    4. Money transfers that are withdrawn in cash. Insofar as the user chooses to make a money transfer that will allow the beneficiary to withdraw the money in cash, the user will be required to send the secret code to the beneficiary. The beneficiary will be able to withdraw the money through a correspondent, a business partner and/or a business abroad, subject to the presentation of the secret code. The responsibility for protecting the secret code and transferring it to the correct beneficiary rests solely with the user, and the user will have no claim against the company in any case of loss and/or theft and/or use of the secret code by anyone other than the beneficiary, subject to the liability limitations stated in sections 24-27 of the Payment Services Law, 5779-2019. In a case of loss, theft and/or a concern of misuse of the secret code, the user should contact the company’s customer service immediately upon becoming aware of it. Customer service will handle the inquiry according to the circumstances of the specific case. The handling by customer service may involve the payment of additional commissions.
    5. Cancellation of a transaction – subject to the law, every transfer of funds can only be canceled until the time of the transfer of the money to the payment service provider for the beneficiary (which may be made immediately after the transfer request). In order to cancel a transfer request, you should contact the company’s customer service. It is clarified that if you performed the operation through a service provider, you should verify that the service provider contacted the company to cancel the operation. The cancellation process may involve a commission. Your money will be returned to you by crediting the credit card through which the transfer request was made and/or in cash, according to the payment method that you chose at the time of making the transaction. The company’s approval at the end of the cancellation process constitutes evidence of the cancellation of the transfer request.
    6. The company may set limits with respect to the amounts of a transfer, which may vary from time to time, at the company’s sole discretion.
    7. Money transfers using prepaid cards:
      1. The company is not responsible for the nature and quality of your prepaid card in your possession, for the information that you received about it when purchasing it, for your ability to make use of it and/or for the customer service relating to the card.
      2. The transfer of money using a prepaid card is subject to the approval of the clearing company and the balance accrued on your card. In any case, you undertake not to try to make money transfers in amounts whose value exceeds the balance of the amount accrued on your card at the time of making the transfer.
      3. It is not possible to pay for a money transfer with a prepaid card in installments.
    8. Funds transferred but not collected within 30 days at the transfer destination will be returned to GMT and managed by the company:
    9. Customers will not be entitled to interest and/or linkage and/or any compensation for the funds held. The company will be entitled to set, from time to time and at its discretion, management fees for uncollected funds.
    10. For efficient tracking of these funds and safeguarding customer funds while avoiding dependence on correspondents and minimizing overall risks – the option to cancel a transfer that has not yet been withdrawn and receive the funds will be given to the customer who made the transfer only, and this will be done solely through contacting customer service.
    11. In order to verify the authenticity of the customer and their match to the list of uncollected funds, customer service may request that the customer who made the transfer provide required documentation as determined by the company from time to time.
    12. This service will be provided free of charge for one year from the date of the transfer. After one year from the date of the transfer, the customer will be required to pay a fee set by the company from time to time for canceling the transfer.
    13. A customer eligible for a refund may receive it by having the company deposit the funds into a payment account in their name managed by the company, or by means of executing a return transfer plus a transaction fee.
    14. The company will handle customer funds with caution, faithfulness and diligence, and will act to preserve all their rights in the funds held by the company.
  3. Conversion of foreign currency
    1. The conversion rates change from time to time and are determined by the company at its sole discretion, according to various factors in international trade.
    2. When converting foreign currency through the company’s concessionaires, the currency rates may vary from one concessionaire to another at the discretion of the concessionaire, which is subject to instructions and restrictions of the company.
    3. When performing an operation of buying foreign currency in cash through a service provider of the company, you should check the validity and amount of the banknotes with the service provider, before leaving the counter. The company will not be responsible for the validity of the banknotes.
  4. Purchase of foreign currency from the company’s concessionaires for collection at a terminal
    The company, in cooperation with Bank Hapoalim, allows the customer to buy foreign currency in return for payment at the service provider and to receive the ordered foreign currency at Ben-Gurion Airport as follows:
    1. The payment for this service will be made according to the conversion amount in shekels that appears in the company’s systems as displayed by the representative.
    2. Currency rates may vary from one concessionaire to another at the discretion of the concessionaire, which is subject to the company’s instructions and restrictions.
    3. The maximum purchase amount of foreign currency using this method is limited to NIS 10,000 per customer.
    4. After the completion of the order and the delivery of the receipt to the customer, the customer will be able to receive the foreign currency at Ben-Gurion Airport at Bank Hapoalim’s duty-free counters, subject to the identification required by representatives of Bank Hapoalim.
    5. The orders can be canceled at any time as long as the order has not been collected, by contacting the email address [email protected]. After the cancellation is confirmed by the company, the user will be credited with the full amount that he was charged when making the order.
    6. If the user has not yet collected the order from Bank Hapoalim’s counters at the airport, for any reason, the order will be canceled automatically and the user will be credited in full.
  5. Prepaid cards
    The company, in conjunction with the company Max IT Finance Ltd. (hereinafter: ‘Max’), allows you to buy and load from an international prepaid card service.
    1. The purchase and use of a prepaid card are subject to the terms appearing in the transaction documents that you will be required to sign at the time of buying the card, which constitute an integral part of these terms and conditions (hereinafter, jointly: ‘Terms and Conditions for Prepaid Cards’). The company is not liable for the ongoing clearing of the card.
    2. The possibility of buying a rechargeable card is by physically going to of the company’s agents or in some other way that the company will publish from time to time.
    3. The delivery time of a rechargeable card with an imprinted name will take 5-6 business days.
  6. Cash Back
    1. The ‘Cash Back’ service allows you to accrue a cash balance in your personal area (hereinafter: ‘accrued balance’) for services relating to money transfers that you perform through the site and/or through the company’s agents (hereinafter: ‘qualifying transaction’). The company may apply this service to additional services provided by it, as it will determine from time to time at its sole discretion, and these terms and conditions will apply, mutatis mutandis.
    2. Not every money transfer will constitute a qualifying transaction. The decision as to which money transfers will constitute qualifying transactions is subject to the company’s sole discretion. At the end of each request to transfer money, the company will update you as to whether the transfer constitutes a qualifying transaction.
    3. You can know your current balance that is available to you at any time by presenting an identification document to one of the company’s agents and/or in your personal area on the company’s website.
    4. The accrued balance is personal and cannot be transferred from one user to another.
    5. The cash balance can only be realized in cash transfers in the currency in which it is accrued. The accrued cash cannot be converted from one currency to another.
    6. The minimum amount of cash that can be realized in each transaction may change from time to time according to the company’s decision. The realization of the cash in a specific transaction will not exceed 100% of the amount of the transaction.
    7. The cash balance will be available to you for 180 days from the date of the last accrual. This period may change from time to time at the company’s discretion. If you do not use the cash balance that you accrued within 180 days of the date of the last accrual, the company will be entitled to delete the accrued balance available to you.
    8. In the event of cancellation of a transaction, the balance of the accrued money that you redeemed in the canceled transaction will be returned to your account in the personal area.
  7. International transfer service by means of authorization to debit an account
    1. The user may join an international transfer service by means of authorization to debit an account provided that he signed an instruction form and gave the company authorization to debit his account.
    2. Setting up an authorization to debit the customer’s account will be subject to the customary terms and conditions at the bank where the customer’s account is managed.
    3. The company will act to debit the amount to the customer’s account, in a timely manner, according to additional details that the customer will provide to the company in the form signed by him.
    4. The transfer instruction will be performed provided that the debit is covered in full, no refund of the debit is received for any reason, and the consideration for the transfer was received in practice in the company’s account, according to the instruction that the company transferred.
    5. In any case where the international transfer is made but the consideration received for it is canceled or insufficient, the company will contact the customer to complete the consideration. The company will act to obtain the consideration according to the means at its disposal and according to every law.
    6. The amount of the debit will be calculated according to the amount that the customer requested to transfer plus a transfer commission for this operation, multiplied by the conversion rate determined by the company.
    7. Details of the debit and its components will be sent each month to the user, according to the email details that he gave the company at the time of giving the instruction.
    8. Confirmation of the making of the transfer will also be sent to the customer by SMS to the mobile number he gave to the company on the instruction form.
    9. The company reserves the right not to add users to a transfer service with authorization to debit an account and/or to discontinue the service at any time, in general or for a specific customer.
    10. The maximum monthly cash transfer amount in a transfer service with an instruction to debit an account will be determined by the company, subject to the company’s procedures and the provisions of the law. The company reserves the right to change the maximum amount from time to time, without any notice.
    11. Without derogating from the aforesaid, a transfer by means of authorization to debit an account is subject to all the general sections stated in the company’s other terms and conditions.

Version: March 2024

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