
Pre-ordering foreign currency before your flight

This service enables travelers to purchase the local currency of their destination country in advance, either through delivery by courier or pick-up at the Bank Hapoalim counter located at the airport.
Together with Bank Hapoalim branches at Ben-Gurion International Airport, we operate a service that enables passengers to order in advance the local currency of the country they are traveling to. On the day of the flight, you will collect the currency at the duty-free bank Hapoalim counter (after passport control), and… that’s it. Easy, simple, and fast.
As a GMT customer, you can enjoy competitive exchange rates, reserve the currency in advance and collect it just before boarding. The solution is available for the local currency of 32 countries: Japan, China, Hungary, Thailand, Russia, the CIS, and many others. All you have to do is book a flight ticket and Bon Voyage!

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